Stafford House
Design Lead
Detroit, Michigan
Stafford House is a catalyst development project in Detroit's North End community. Its completion along Oakland Avenue will be the first major housing development in many years. The vacant and blighted hundred-year-old building located at 9301 Oakland Avenue in Detroit's North End will be redeveloped into 10 residential units and 5,200 square feet of commercial space.
The historic building itself will undergo a major transformation this spring. Backed by over $3 million in local and state funding, including support from the Revitalization and Placemaking Program, Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority.
w/Purpose was invited to lead the design in 2023 alongside architect Kendall Boman of Arcos Studio to ensure a thoughtful, community-centered, and purposeful design that met the vision of Stafford House, Inc. According to the AIA, renovations similar to Stafford House have outpaced new construction since 2022. This trend is due in large part to a number of factors, including a challenging financing market and a housing crisis.
With strong local leadership and statewide investment, Stafford House will be a dynamic example of missing middle revitalization, proving that innovative mixed use design tactics and community-focused development to reshape Detroit’s future.
"This development will eliminate neighborhood blight and address the shortage of affordable housing," said Lendon Crosby, chairman and president of Stafford House.